Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Pitch Feedback (Group Planning)

After we completed our pitch, we asked the rest of the Media Studies group for feedback to help us make our soap trailer better when coming down to filming our trailer. As we we were fairly behind with our planning at the time, there was alot of feedback we received for improvements. These being the following:

More Stories Included:
  • At the time of the pitch, we did not have many stories that we could add to our soap trailer, as we did not want the stories to relate to other typical soap operas, such as Eastenders, Emmerdale and Coronation Street. However we could not think any stories that were different that could relate to our target audience, therefore we decided to include three main stories within our soap trailer, these included drugs, family and financial issues. 
More Characters Included:
  • As we had issues with sorting out stories for our soap trailer, we were lacking on the number of individuals that were needed as we did not no how many characters we needed for our trailer. However as we sorted out the stories that were going to be included within our trailer, we found it easy to gather characters together to play the roles in the trailer. 
Pub Permission:
  • For one of our main locations we had plans on using a pub, in this case the Pig and Falcon to our soap communal area. However, to use the pub we had to have permission from the owners. This was successful as we had received permission from the pub as they allowed us to film some of our film on their property. In the end, we did not need to use the pub as we had enough footage to cover a 1 minute trailer.

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